
From Fire, We Grow

Pack meeting


The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
05-19-2024, 12:33 PM

Lately, Clove has been spending a lot of time by herself. But the solitude was starting to become tiresome and heavy. 

It’s not that she was purposely isolated herself; but things in the kingdom were… tense. Father was preoccupied most hours of the day, Mother kept the castle staff happy, Ember was in a sour mood, and the rest of her siblings, well, they kept to themselves. Leaving Clove feeling a bit lonely. Still, she made an effort to stay in the common areas of the castle, working on her maps, playing the piano her father brought home, and reading books in the library. Often, she thought of Akito, wondering if he was having more fun than she was. Or if he was busy helping Tojo Kai stay war ready, like Artorias was with The Hallows. 

Clove was sitting on her balcony, lazily slumped over the railing and looking out into the ocean sunset when her father's summon echoed throughout the castle. It startled her at first, made her jump and she had to catch herself against the railing to regain her posture. It took a few seconds for recognition to form inside of her mind; she’d been daydreaming just seconds ago. A pack meeting? Well, she couldn’t be late. 

Rushing back into her room, she quickly combs through her fur and repositions her beautiful necklace, stealing one last glance in the mirror of her vanity before rushing down the stairs. Making her way to the Great Hall, she enters slowly. Cautiously. Trying to read the room as she steps inside, her bi-colored gaze settles on her mother and father first. Mother seemed to be in a good mood, she had a warm smile on her face and was sitting beside Father, supportive as ever. But father… there was something off. Clove couldn’t quite put her paw on it. Like he had the weight of the entire world on his shoulders. Embershard was leaning against his throne, which made her feel uneasy. Why did he look so conflicted? So upset?

Other pack members were present, including two of her sisters. Clove made her way around the room, saying hello to everyone and saving her parents for last. Then, she gravitated towards Ember, offering her a reassuring smile. She took her appointed seat at the table, and waited for the rest of her family to arrive.  


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1. From Fire, We Grow Amron's Castle 12:02 AM, 05-14-2024 04:53 PM, 07-18-2024