
In the dark of the night, a light shines

Gavaroche for fighting seasonal

Gavroche II


Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Healer (85)

1 Year
Toy size
05-19-2024, 01:00 PM

Gavroche was struggling to get free, pushing against his friend to try and get her to release her hold, but no success was found there. Trixy fell back but the hold on the cloak remained. With the momentum of the fall and some additional pushing with her back legs the cloak was off. It was pulled over his head and Gavroche stumbled back, a squeak of embarrassment leaving his lips as he abandoned his own attacks. Heat immediately rushed to his cheeks, coloring them bright red as he sat and hunched down toward himself. He looked, and felt, ridiculous. He was completely naked, lacking fur or feather, and the young male averted his gaze as he shifted uneasily on paw to paw.

“I uh… I guess you win, T-trixy…” The sudden exposure to the air had made it feel as though Gavroche’s skin was crawling. The yearling cleared his throat. “Can I have my cloak back…?” He really didn’t want her to see her like this. The first time she had caught him was bad enough, but the longer he was like this the more awkward it felt. He didn’t have these feelings when his mom checked on him, but there was a big difference from your mom seeing you in an embarrassing state than your best friend seeing you that way!

"Speech," 'Thought.'

table coding by bunni ♥

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1. In the dark of the night, a light shines Cedar Falls 06:26 AM, 04-13-2024 11:57 PM, 07-11-2024