
Look around round, look around round, look around


Gavroche II


Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Healer (85)

1 Year
Toy size
05-19-2024, 05:27 PM

Gav hadn’t considered that the girl might have been using the scent of the peppermint to calm down… but usually his mom used lavender to help his dad and grandmother rather than peppermint. The purple furred girl pulled her head out of the plant in a hurry and hunkered down to make herself seem small. Gavroche frowned at that - he hadn’t meant to scare her. Immediately his brow furrowed and he took a step back. His maw opened but the words to apologize felt stuck in his throat; was he really that scary? The yearling wasn’t sure what would make the pup be so afraid… had someone hurt her? There weren’t any wolves like that in Ethne, right?

But then, just as quickly as she had recoiled and moved away her expression changed. Her ears flicked forward and her gaze focused on his back. Oh, right… wolves with wings weren’t exactly normal. It had been so long since anyone had made a fuss over his wings that Gavroche had almost forgotten that fact. He glanced at them, taking in the new feathers that were growing in, and then looked back to the pup. “Yeah… I’m not able to fly with them though.” He stretched them out so the girl could see them fully.

“They are still pretty neat though! They help buffer when things bump against me, and the feathers make nice gifts… I think.” Gavroche grinned, looking back at the younger wolf. “My name’s Gavroche. I was actually coming to grab some of the peppermint for my belly. My mom says it’s the best for a sour stomach.” He tilted his head to the side. “What’s your name?”

"Speech," 'Thought.'

table coding by bunni ♥

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1. Look around round, look around round, look around Lazuli Falls 04:24 PM, 05-19-2024 11:58 PM, 07-11-2024