
It's not just a boulder... It's a rock!




Intermediate Fighter (55)

Advanced Navigator (60)

4 Years
Extra small

Pride - Bisexual
05-20-2024, 01:00 AM

Juniper had been so excited to get to see inside Elysium's lands and pounced on the opportunity to pay a visit as soon as she could! Her pleasant run in with Avacyn back in the pine forest had awoken something in her for the much taller alphess, something she was keenly eager to explore further and something she knew would have her back at these borders on a regular basis. Though she wasn't one for the strict rigidity of packs and did value her freedom to come and go as she pleased, having an open door invitation was a nice perk to have. Now she could freely interact with both the Hallows and Elysium! It also meant she could come find a warm bed with Avacyn whenever the urge struck, but that was more a perk than the reason she was here. No, the reason she was here was because her friend and given her permission to finally come see her island home!

Crossing over the borders from wild lands into Elysium proper, the pair of faes were met with the expansive sight of fields dotted with rocks of all sizes. June's mint green eyes surveyed over the land, taking in the view of all the rocks and boulders made from different types of rock and sediment. Somewhere in the land she could smell a herd of deer grazing, and the air was tinged with salt from the nearby ocean. It was very plain, all things considered, but understandably a vital source of food for the pack. Ava welcomed her to Elysium and explained the obvious—the Rock Garden was more a necessity than a tourist destination. "So it's... just a big field with a lot of rocks?" she clarified, looking up at Avacyn with a raised brow—only for her expression to visibly brighten with a grin. "Cool! Race you up a rock!" Without waiting, Juniper rushed for the nearest boulder, using a combination of her small size, agility, and experienced footing to clamber up the rock in a matter of seconds. She wanted to see these views Ava was talking about.

"Juniper of the Sea"