


09-28-2013, 10:11 PM

The frigid and malicious winds of winter teased her pallid flesh in random currents, threatening to take her form in the entirety of its grasp with the promise of the impending shift in season. Although the phantom child loathed the biting climate of wintertime and the precipitation that accompanied it, the appeasing sensation of having overcome a milestone in her lifetime forced her indifference towards the ephemeral loss of autumn?s beauty and the approach of winter?s ruthlessness. Nearly a year had the viper plagued the surface of the earth with her maleficent presence, nearly a year had she thrived beneath the militant training of the ice queen who possessed every iota of her loyalty, and nearly a year had she been able to develop and blossom into an impressive adolescent, competent and confident in her own abilities. The upcoming year, however, was one that would test her true capabilities and one that she intended not to waste away; this imminent year would warrant the power of the surname that branded her and embellish her name with total infamy.

Lengthy strides carried the porcelain viper in the direction of her targeted destination, nostalgia the only factor fueling her to navigate towards the familiar location where she had been birthed alongside her brothers and raised as her mother?s prodigy, before the days of playing a princess to Tortuga and the long nights of attempting to accept the loss of it. Metallic and violet gaze swept over the premises of the silent and desolate forest as she entered the area, pupils failing to fall upon the blanket of snow that had once sheeted the floor, instead devouring the nearly-barren ground that was embellished by scattered leaves here and there. The surfaced roots of drooping trees ensnared the majority of her attention, however, as the babe attempted to pinpoint the makeshift den she had once resided in, nostrils quivering as she desperately tried to catch the faded stench of the Elysius to better locate the exact densite. After quite some time of blindly searching, the babe succumbed to defeat, the hint of a frown tugging at her lips as she ceased in her saunter and allowed her haunches to greet the earth, pupils continuing to search for a single sign of her early life, as if she suspected a fragment would remain after so long.