
You're Gonna Go Far, Kid

Iris <3



Master Fighter (245)

Expert Navigator (235)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022
05-20-2024, 04:35 PM
As Enki scans the area, the man’s face is filled with a gentle awe. The deer do not fear him and he silently watches them for several minutes, just enjoying being here as he slowly wanders along. His attention then turns to the clear cool waters that lazily wind through the bottom of the valley and he is suddenly aware of the approach of another. Bright blue eyes trail up to the purple woman’s face and a soft, happy smile tugs at his lips as he gently calls out, “Hello! Sorry if I startled you, I am just here exploring.”

The smile he wears is easy, his expression warm and welcoming and he stays back from the water’s edge to allow the stranger time to drink in peace. Blue eyes trail over to where the deer still graze, their ears flicking away flies as they fill their bellies to their hearts content. A rabbit suddenly appears, racing through the long legs of the ungulates as it hurriedly moves about its day. The birds continue to sing above, warbling cries of joy as the flit across the sky toward trees further south.

A cluster of rocks, dark gray against the softer greens, yellows, and browns of the field soon has an occupant as a large weasel-like creature appears and stands. Its nose works as it surveys the day, curious of the inhabitants and Enki can’t help the happy chuckle that spills from his lips. Looking back to the stranger. Ducking his head, a little shyly, he says, “Sorry, this place is just so… beautiful. I bet it is even prettier in the summer time.”

It is an olive branch, an opening to show he does not mean her harm or ill will… and he hopes she understands that.

"Enki Klein"

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