
You're Gonna Go Far, Kid

Iris <3



Master Fighter (245)

Expert Navigator (235)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022
05-20-2024, 06:04 PM
Something about the shorter, dark furred woman with the spots reminiscent of a raven, makes Enki feel… awkward. Not that she makes him feel that way but he is suddenly acutely aware of just how tall he is and how imposing he might seem. Self-conscious of himself, the pale pink man folds his haunches and comes to sit lightly on the soft grass. The woman speaks in a tongue foreign to him and he simply smiles, somehow knowing her intent while unable to understand the words.

Patiently he listens to her lilting voice and strange, yet wonderful accent, that laces each word, lifting it into something new and wonderful. Tail sweeps the soft fingers of grass behind him as he hears her name, accented in way that makes it feel more exotic. Enki’s smile widens and he dips his head in greeting, saying, “It is a pleasure to meet you Iris.” He tries and fails to duplicate her name with the whispers and in hiss in the right places and he even grimaces at his horrible attempt.

Shoulders scrunch inward as he bashfully says, “My name’s Enki! I am the Wraith of Insomnia. My pack lays just behind here.” A paw lifts, jutting over his shoulder to the gorge behind him, offering a waypoint for her to attach with him.

Bright blue eyes move to the water but he remains still, watching the ripples as drops fall from the girl’s maw and disrupt the gently flowing surface. Flashes of color dart below the crystalline sheen, drawing his gaze to fish that slowly swim along, some fighting against the current while others allow it to push them along. Bright rocks, shinny from years of being tumbled and cleaned, dot the sandy beach edges having been pushed up and out of the bed at some point.

Further down the river, Enki spies some rocks that are larger than the ones normal ones that litter the bottom, their heads poking up above the water line. The water grows turbulent there, knocking into the obstructions as in rushes past to get back to the slow pace it is more accustom to. A shadow from above dips down, wings folding as a golden eagle descends from the sky, talons outstretched as it reaches toward the water, wings beating the air to prevent it from falling into the river.

With the ease of practiced predator, the eagle plucks a large trout from the lazily river, the fish speared on its talons but still attempting to flop away. The dance of life and death, hunter and hunted plays out before his eyes and Enki watches the spectacle in silence.  Rabbits dart hither and tither as the form of the eagle ascends once more, the small prey animals seeking the warrens and tunnels that dwell underground to keep them safe.

With a small shake of his head, the smile grows and he looks back to Iris, softly saying, “This world never ceases to amaze me.” It is true as there is beauty to be found in even the simplest of tasks if one will stop and watch.

"Enki Klein"

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