


03-11-2013, 05:00 AM
The strong howl that rang out on the horizon summoned Frino from the place where he had lurked for the past few days. The areas had been claimed by packs, and though they were interesting enough they did not capture the wolf's attention. He was just taking a break, a breather before continuing on his way. Or he would have been, if a very feminine howl hadn't filled the air in that moment.

Frino lifted his head and his ears perked up sharply. It was a pretty sounding howl. Which meant the female attached to it had be pretty, right? And she was summoning wolves to her, probably the founding of a pack. Frino grinned at the thought, an unsettling look on the male as he stretched out smoothly, working out the kinks in his pack before he rose daintily to small paws and struck out towards the source of the howl.

It took him a good while to reach the pack's lands, and even longer then to reach the gathering of wolves, but when he did, the male stopped for a moment just out of eyesight, ears pricked in the direction of the gathering. A female's voice, pleasant on the ears, echoed in the air with the regality of an Alpha. She named the pack as Frino lurked, speaking of laws and names. But it was only the name that stuck with him. Ludicael. It was a pretty name. The laws Frino cared little for. If he broke them, he'd know. Otherwise, he just wanted to have a some fun with a pretty female. And maybe the handsome males too.

The thought brought a low rumble of pleasure echoing from his chest, something very close to a growl as Frino stepped daintily forward, padding into the gathering smoothly. "Greetings," Frino raised his voice slightly as he slipped forward, approaching the orange female directly, looking her up and down with the arch of a brow. Yum. "My name is Frino and I'd be interested in joining your . . . pack, if you would have me." Looking around, Frino was pleased with what he saw. The white male was attractive, as was the deer-like female. This seemed like a pack that Frino would come to like very quickly.

With a flick of his ears, Frino turned his attention back towards the female. "I can hunt or fight, or both, perhaps. Whatever you desire of me, I will do." Ohhh that had a double meaning on so many levels. Now, the question was, would she notice it? A smirk crossed the male's features as he curled his tail daintily, lowering himself into a slightly belated bow, a smooth display of respect for the female.

ooc: wow, sorry about the shoddiness of this. :c had a delay and I'd already been up for half an hour when I noticed it so I figured I'd post xD I promise my next post with frino will be better though <3