
Boku Babies!



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022
05-21-2024, 05:35 PM (This post was last modified: 05-23-2024, 03:30 PM by Skelle. Edited 2 times in total.)

Potential Names: Everild (boar battle), Peregrine, Severus, Sorrel, Deveraux, Arrow (lmfao), Orson (bear cub), Spruce, Grover, Bonsai, Thistle
Sex: Male
Size: Dire 45"
Build: Light
Alignment: neutral. Id say something good but i think someone could easily talk him into doing something bad bc he doesn't understand its bad if its approached in a way that makes it sound good

Unlike the average pup, NAME is not a fast learner. He struggles with almost everything he does and it takes him a while to really grasp what he's being taught. Everything has the potential to be confusing and while he may understand it one minute, he can just as easily be lost the next. It's frustrating really and it makes him quite grumpy when things are particularly hard for him. Especially since it isn't just his brain that doesn't function fully, even his body works against him a lot of the time it seems. It's safe to say that it isn't exactly easy for him to make friends, but that's okay because he's a natural introvert anyway and frankly doesn't do well in crowds. As if it wasn't enough to be born with an under bite and a speech impediment, when he gets nervous or scared he tends to stutter and he does not like to be embarrassed (and it only makes the stutter worse).

He's about as sweet as they come though, a true Good Boy. He really likes to make others happy and will go to great lengths for family or anyone he considers a friend. Often stuck in his own head, he can't help but daydream and imagine and sometimes that makes knowing the difference between reality and imagination confusing for him, especially when it comes to the way others act or the way they treat him. Naive and gullible, he thinks that any attention is good, even when it's from the most toxic or abusive of wolves.

He might not have many sharp crayons or his lightbulb may flicker, but he's got a heart of gold. He loves hard and his family is no exception. As their only brother, he would protect his sisters until the end of the earth and that extends to anyone he considers a friend.

Plot ideas, if any: so big that he's funky shaped from lack of room (under bite, lots of cricks in his tail, loose wrists), i really want someone to bully him. A bully to lover plot would be golden
Reference: toyhouse gallery

I will be using a deluxe open character pass to cover the mohawk, albinism, and height.

Regardless of outcome, he will likely be coming in anyway as an adult, but potentially as a pup since i do have a NRF rogue pup pass. We can do the same idea like grim where hes adopted or he can just be uninvolved entirely if desired.

If chosen with the name Peregrine, he will likely have a fascination for the birds and adorn himself with their feathers. Is this an attempt to be unique like his sisters? Maybe.

I could be bothered to switch hisohawk for antlers, but if the stars align I could be tempted to pay for an additional mutation.

A cursed pass is being involved, so if it includes him, I will absolutely think of a way to integrate him into the theme.

As Indie mentioned, if Haiku dies then he would try his hardest to be the man of the family and would likely overwork himself. I could see him having a bit of depression losing his role model on top of struggling to get things done to the caliber that Haiku would've done them. Making his dead father proud would become a mission, though due to struggling with everything he does, he will eventually believe that it is unattainable.
please DM all tags to @betchasaurusrex!
eightysichs/wolfbea was hacked, what's owed has been made/paid,
and i wasn't involved or even knew her during the time she was hacked, thank you ♥

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