
Anything is better than this



The Syndicate

Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (10)

3 Years
05-22-2024, 12:41 AM
There wasn't too many opportunities in the life she led to feel the way she did right now and that alone earned Azrael a lot of points in her book. As she watched her handsome new master brush past her to lay down on the bed she couldn't help the sly little grin that lingered on her face. Oh she had not one doubt that he was an absolutely depraved, lecherous, wicked man. The fact that he had come here with an intent and a plan to kill Vaso instead of trying to sweep her away like some knight in shining armor spoke plenty to that. Still, she had come across more than her fair share of violent, lecherous brutes in her short life and he was the first that had put any kind of power in her paws. For the small price of being his bait and distraction he had allowed her to take the life of the brute that had been marring and torturing her for a better part of two seasons now. That alone had immediately attracted and endeared her to Azrael in her own odd, twisted way.

"Gladly," she replied with a smirk as he told her to show him what she was capable of. She never left the brutes she was with unsatisfied, but it was a little more rare when she actually wanted her master so Azrael was certainly in for a treat. With a slinking, graceful movement like a prowling big cat, Mireia stepped over him till she was able to settle down into his lap with her tail curling and swaying behind her. Delicate forepaws rested on his belly as she sat back across his waist and she slowly slid forward with her forepaws gradually combing through the dark fur that covered his underside all the way up to his chest. She could feel the toned muscles beneath his skin and a lustful grin lingered on her lips as she took all of him in and learned every inch of him. With that she went to work, pulling out her very best tricks to prove to this twisted brute why she deserved to have him care for her and keep her around. She didn't ask for much–just protection, food, and a place to live–and for that she could give him all of this and more.

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