
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore—

feat. Absinth



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3 Years
Small species
05-22-2024, 10:21 PM


Krakarak could see her moving closer but he didn't move away. There was sincerity in her eyes along with a healthy dose of friendliness that lulled him into a sense of security. Her words pleased him even more, so much so that he began to shift from foot to foot. Almost like a little dance. "Is good name, ya? Krak Krak! Krakarak pick himself!" It was a point of pride for him as all the ravens in his old flock picked their names as hatchlings. A rite of passage, so to speak. As such, they were all very proud of their names. The very few times he'd talked to wolves they'd always had such strange names. Names that they didn't think up themselves. Weird creatures but this one? Yeah, this one seemed fine. He could see it in her eyes. He could hear it from her companions. "The Waaaaaallll? Wall! Krak!" Blegh. Stupid English words. They felt so wrong and strange on his tongue. "Шге уьвв!" The wall! He translated into his native tongue.

"Ya, ya! Krak! Cold better! Heat makes feathers feel heavy! Krakaw!" Probably because they were so dark. He was also just plain not as used to heat.

Then, she introduced herself and around her, the chorus of caws echoed. It excited him. Made him think of his home before the madness happened. "Ab! Abs-Absinth! Lady Absinth! Krak! Krak!" He croaked with them. Allowing himself for a moment to be taken by the feeling of being with the group again. "Геввд! Гду вдхж гьэе щдк феех оисехая усшг шге Вьащ ѝфясхшг?"Hello! How long have you been friends with the Lady Absinth? He fluttered forward as he spoke, closing the distance as he landed in front of the ravenwolf. Never before had he seen such a canine. Color him quite intrigued and drawn in. It was clear how taken she was with them... and them with her. "Ад щдк ьвв всэе хеьифщ?"Do you all live nearby? He wondered if she could understand them? A true kin of ravens.


Images © Vlad Bagacian, Rilvin | Coding © Plymouth

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