
Look around round, look around round, look around


Gavroche II


Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Healer (85)

1 Year
Toy size
05-22-2024, 08:38 PM

For a moment, when Gavroche mentioned that he couldn’t fly, he could see the look of disappointment that had entered her eyes. He’d been disappointed too, up until that hawk nabbed him as a puppy and took him for the ride of his life. It had been a terrifying experience, and he still wasn’t quite sure how he felt about big birds of prey like that, but thus far no other birds had dared try to make him into a meal. Gavroche was glad for that. But seeing how he was able to move them still seemed cool enough, and Gav gave a nod of agreement. He couldn’t fly, but they were still neat to have… and feathers made awesome gifts!

The girl would then introduce herself as Alexanderite. She hadn’t known the name of the herb and the winged yearling nodded to confirm the name with a smile. Only the smile would falter as she asked why his tummy was sour and Gavroche shifted on his paws. “Oh… well…” Green gaze would shift to his paws as his ears fell. He knew she didn’t really know him, and she wouldn’t have a reason to tell the adults but telling her could still lead to them finding out. Still… guilt made Gav feel like he should tell her anyway.

“Well, long story short is I did something that really made everyone, especially my aunt Haydee and grandma Bells worry… I was supposed to stay in pack lands but I’ve been leaving to see a friend of mine whose family is staying here.” As he spoke his stomach began to twist again. He approached the plant and leaned forward, taking a couple leaves into his mouth and beginning to chew them.

“I feel bad, because I know if they found out they’d be upset… and probably still worried about me. Part of it is because I’m small and… I guess I’m not good at reading what could potentially be dangerous…” He still wasn’t sure what to make of the Raiders coming to take their chickens. It all felt like it could have been avoided… but not all packs talked things out. He didn’t get it, but he knew that the next time they came up, he’d at least defend better… even if it made him feel bad to do so.

Gavroche sighed and glanced over at Alexandrite. “So my feelings are making my stomach hurt, and my mom always gives us peppermint for it. It tastes good and it’s hard to give someone too much, unlike a lot of other herbs.” A small smile touched his lips. “I’m training to be a healer like her, and a fighter like my dad. I want to help keep us safe, but also make sure no one is hurting.”

"Speech," 'Thought.'

table coding by bunni ♥

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1. Look around round, look around round, look around Lazuli Falls 04:24 PM, 05-19-2024 11:58 PM, 07-11-2024