
Decent Descent

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Raiders Hollow

Expert Navigator (215)

Expert Healer (120)

3 Years
05-22-2024, 09:05 PM (This post was last modified: 05-22-2024, 09:06 PM by Morwenna. Edited 1 time in total.)

[Image: b7VvRsF.png]

As Kaija came up alongside Morwenna the little salamanders darted around, catching small insects the wolfdog could barely see. She was delighted that Kaija had come along with her on this little trip. She didn't know how the other would react since they barely knew each other,  but Wenna was a social sort and had no qualms about walking up to people. She smiled warmly as Kaija remarked on the little lizards with her.

As the powerful tank of a woman walked beyond the pools Morwenna looked up at the occasionally dripping stalactites. They loomed ominously overhead like teeth with drool dripping into the pools below. Her ears pushed forward to catch Kaija's questing fading echo.

"Fairly new, yes." She smiled in the dim light and stepped closer, "I met Dread and Deluge last season while exploring. Then later I stumbled on Daager Isle and Modesty chased me off it, not before I could grab some passion flowers thankfully." She sniffed at the looming darkness before them, then crept forward carefully, feeling the edge of a ledge. "I think there's a drop off here... Maybe we can follow this ledge and see where it leads?" She mentioned, breaking her story for a moment.

"Well, anyway, after Mod chased me off she called everyone to hunt me down but Deluge got to me first! She made it pretty clear that Mod would be hunting me down for a while if I didn't come with her. So we raced for my freedom and I won. But I like her and pack life may be an adventure so I came anyway!" She chirped, "What about you? What kind of life has the powerful Kaija led?" Morwenna swooned and brushed her tail over Kaija's shoulder while she skipped ahead. She sent droplets of water to scatter from her toes as more pools appeared and trickled below into the chasm.

WC: 1542

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