
While I pondered, weak and weary,

feat. Wylan



Novice Navigator (20)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years
Small species
05-23-2024, 07:21 AM


The bird nodded his head as the wolf affirmed that he'd be coming nearer. He put on a brave face and when his wing was tugged he let out a pathetic sounding caw. As if he'd just suffered some sort of grievous blow. Poor, poor him. So sad. So pitiful. He was so very injured and in pain not really.

Except, funnily enough, when the honied treats were offered to him. All of his pain seemed to disappear as he began to flap his wings excitedly and hop up and down. Funny how that worked. "Ya, ya! Is good food! Krak Krak! He cawed in quite a happy fashion. He plucked the treats from the wolf's paw and began to eat them excitedly.

While eating he continued to chat with the wolf. He was good people. "No, no! What you mean about lives? Krak? We only gots one life!" Did he have to explain this slowly?! "Krakarak have one life! But far, far past was good, ya? Krak? Yeah? Following? "Then the bad stuff happen! Krak Krak! Then after bad stuff Krakarak leave!" He blamed the English language. It wasn't as easy to explain things as it was in his beautiful native tongue. "Far, far past is old-old life! Krak! When bad stuff happen is new-old life! Krak Krak! Bad stuff happen to make old-old life into new-old life. Krak! Make it a shit!" He cocked his head to the side then, silently asking if he understood.

Then, after a few moments, when the other had spoken about his wings. He walked forward, head bobbing up and down as he continued to study the yearling's wings and form. Hmm... "You ever watch birds? Krak? You should watch Krakarak. Krakarak show you how wings work, ya? Ravens are best fliers! Krak!" If the other wanted to take him up on the offer, of course. He was sure he could show better than tell the other how to work his wings. If he couldn't do it, no one could.

quoth the raven

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1. While I pondered, weak and weary, S.S. Antiox 04:17 PM, 05-22-2024 03:04 PM, 07-18-2024