
When The Sun Dies and Night is Calling



11 Years
Athena I
09-29-2013, 12:25 AM

Satisfaction radiated from Alena as her fangs met flesh at last. It wasn't anything vital, but it was a wound and that was better than nothing. Canttina also got in her own wound to add to the list as her teeth hit Alena's shoulder yet again, though not as bad of a bite as it could have been, hitting mostly bone instead of flesh and muscle. Then the demon did something incredibly strange and painful. It seemed like she was chewing up and down her shoulder, creating many, many smaller bites throughout her flesh and tearing up the skin awfully. Her own growls joined the chorus, pain flaring up throughout her right shoulder.

Despite the pain, Alena refused to let her defenses drop for even a moment. She kept her ears back, her eyes slitted, her stance widened, her toes splayed out evenly, and her tail tucked away under her. She also kept her knees slightly bent, but she refrained from raising her hackles to keep from causing any more pain to her ripped apart scruff and shoulders.

There wasn't much Alena could do with the beast attached to her shoulder, but she did have one advantage. She had her teeth dug into Canttina's neck. She jerked her head from side to side, wanting to shred the skin and flesh that she held in her jaws as much as she could. She let go for the briefest of moments, a mere second, to shift her gaping jaws up the length of Canttina's neck only a centimeter or two, just enough to get a new jaw full of skin, before she bit down hard once again, repeating the process of ripping apart the flesh that she held between her fangs. Her nails dug into the dirt, setting her stance even more firmly. It was a waiting game now. Who would last till the end? "It's almost over."


Canttina VS Alena FOR Amenti

ROUND: Five out of Five!

DEFENSES: Ears pinned back, eyes slitted, knees slightly bent, toes spread, nails dug in, widened stance, and tail tucked.

ATTACK: Jerking and tearing at the bite wound some more, resetting the bite and continuing the attack.

INJURIES: More bite wounds and chewing to her right shoulder.
