
Reaching Out



09-29-2013, 10:04 PM

She would dip her head ever so slightly more as Canttina corrected her with her title. So this female was a new alpha then. The dripple coming from the other's jaws did not got unnoticed. Her sharp dual toned eyes never missed a beat. Her mate was also a healer and a female? Curiousity sparked in her eyes for a moment before Canttina let out a howl. The sound might have frightened most, but not her. She simply just sat down with her tail over her paws and waited. She took everything in with a calm manner, never giving way to being frightened or threatened. For infact she felt neither one. Symphony might not be a dominate wolf but she was not one to be pushed around by others that tried to scare others. She listened to Canttina's questions, carefully noting her interest and filing away how she would answer.

Before she could reply another wolf, she guessed was Ozz, appeared. She watched the two carefully. No doubt Ozz did seem to care for Canttina. She did not care if one took a mate of their own gender or not. It was none of her buisness. She dipped her head in greeting to Ozz."Greeting Ozz. I was just answer to answer your Empress her questions. But i can for just a humble visit and to learn or your pack and Healers." She then turned to Canttina."Ludicael is lovely in its own way as all places can be. We are as strong as any family can be. Army? That i can not answer. I have only recently joined due to reuniting with my sister who had joined the pack a few years back. Her daughter i have taken to be my apprentice. With that being said, i wanted to visit all the packs, make sure it would be safe to bring the young girl with me next time i visited. For a believe one can learn much more from many mentors."

She was aware Canttina's question had a more specific meaning to them and she had avoided answering to that exactly. She had a feeling the Empress was looking at rival pack and taking stacks on them."Also, Empress Canttina, Ozz, i would like to form an alliance with our packs. A pack is stronger not only in numbers or members but also alliances. I believe it will do our packs some good." She added softly. Sure her opinion or them was that they might be abit crazy, dark for sure. But again an alliance was better then having a pack like Canttina's as an enemy.
