
Pleasure to be meeting you; quite a pleasure!



"Devil has my ear today, I'll never hear a word you say."

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (275)

Master Healer (260)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - DemisexualRapid Poster - Gold1K
05-23-2024, 10:47 PM

Caedes watched the older brute emerge from his hiding place, every muscle in his body coiled with readiness. The man was obsidian in color, with streakings of red and a long, luxurious coat that Kaino would rather like. But his eyes — like soulless coals. The scent on the air was one Mariah shared, Elysium. That was enough information for Caedes to have an inkling of who this man was, long before he spoke a word. After all, who else would be stalking Mariah like this except her father?

He’d been expecting an attack, yet none came. Instead, the man approached with a steady, deliberate gait, eyes as dark and impenetrable as the night giving nothing away. No anger. No threat. Caedes found it hard to believe. He held his ground, verdant gaze indifferent as he assessed the situation; detached as he usually was. But perhaps clinical in the manner he dissected the approaching man, eyes tracing every scar and imperfection the other wolf had to offer. A true healer, his eyes unable to go without meticulously examining all.

This was Mariah’s father, someone the woman cared deeply about. She had warned him of his physical appearance, but not what entirely to expect from him. To meet him like this, face to face, was a twist of fate he hadn’t anticipated, but he would not shy away. It simply was not his nature.

Alastor’s beckoning gesture brought a quirk of his brow. A trick? A ploy to get him away from Mariah’s earshot for whatever reason? Fine. He would rather not disturb her rest anyways, especially if it could be a last moment of peace for her. He took a step forward, then another, his movements measured and confident. He stopped a few paces away, close enough to feel the tension crackling in the air but far enough to react if Alastor’s intent shifted.

The elder wolf’s grin would have been more disarming, but Caedes knew better than to be lulled into a false sense of security. He had been bitten before, smiles and all — how do you suppose he got his numerous, horribly carved scars? But this dance was unknown to him, he could only fall back on what he’d learned growing up as a Saxe. His own lips twitched in response, forming a grin that didn’t reach his eyes. Energy to match energy. “It would be rather strange if I did not know.” His deep rumbling voice came, steady and forward, “Alastor Mendacium, Mariah’s father — or am I mistaken?” Most likely not, unless there was another who fit the description.

He kept his gaze locked on Alastor’s, refusing to look away. He was perfectly content to face a possible threat, considering what was at stake. Perfectly able to stand before this man, proud that the woman he loved had chosen him. “I am Caedes Saxe of The Syndicate. The one who loves your daughter.” His words were neither boastful nor meek; they were a simple statement of fact. “So, what now?” The bestial brute asked, his tone even. “Do you want conversation, or do you want a fight? You’ve come for a reason, which is it?” The choice lay with Alastor, but Caedes was ready for whatever came next. He would protect Mariah and their bond, no matter the cost.


Caedes is a mature character, viewer discretion is advised.
Unless otherwise stated, assume he is not wearing his feathered skull mask.

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1. Pleasure to be meeting you; quite a pleasure! Redbud Nook 02:17 PM, 05-23-2024 01:25 PM, 06-20-2024