
Hey, hi, hello!


Gavroche II


Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Healer (85)

1 Year
Toy size
05-24-2024, 02:23 PM

Meeting with Dusk had brought up the good memories Gavroche had of the Hallows. He was sure if he asked Artorias the man would allow him to stay the night but something had the winged male on the move. He walked on the outside of the pack border, being mindful of the boundary even if he came with good intentions. He wasn't going to go in unless he was invited, after all! Something about the castle pack brought him comfort. They had protected and aided him when he was very young, and Dusk had been the best caretaker and friend that Gavroche could have asked for. Now that he was older he still looked at her with adoration but there was something else too… something he didn't have a name for.

It was a flutter in his chest, warmth spreading to his cheeks whenever he thought of how cool she was. Naive as he was, Gavroche didn't realize that he was crushing on the femme… or that he felt the same sort of feelings for another girl he was close to. But it had to be normal, right? Because they were friends! And who wouldn't be impressed by such a cool wolf like Dusk?

The shifting of the leaves in the berry grove caught Gavroche’s attention and the Polaris yearling paused. Ears pricked toward the swaying branches and he scented the air. No big cat like the last time he was here. The Hallows kept things safe… it made him wonder why the big cats were so willing to cross the borders of his own pack… and that big snake… yeesh. With a yawn Gavroche stretched.

Maybe it was about time to move on.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

table coding by bunni ♥