
Scythe, Deception


09-29-2013, 03:30 AM
OOC Name: Kayi.
How did you get here?: Was on old site.
Age: 22.

Character's Name: Deception Scythe.
Age: Tree Years.
Season of birth: Winter.
Size: 34' 135lbs.
Appearance description: Standing at 34' at the shoulder while weighing around 135lbs; This oddly colored female was far from being a light weight then again she wasn't typically a heavy weight either. Just some where in between even if shes a bit on the large side. Despite this Deception holds a length build, broad shoulders and long legs. Not seemingly made for either fighting or running. Sitting in between once more; she could be sued for either or but whom of which she is facing that has more a build for one or the other she would find her self at a disadvantage.

A smokey coloring covers Deception from head to tail tip, the only break in color would be a flare along her neck and under muzzle, a white coloring sits there only adding to her odd looks. But it didn't stop here, The inside of her ears carries this milky coloring as well. With two different color eyes, she is something els; the right shinning a green while the left held a teal coloring. Both equally bright compared to one another, never dull.
Duty: Avenger.