Alexa curled her lip at him as he snapped but shrank as he charged up to her. He loved to torment her and push her around. She hated it but wouldn't dare get him in trouble for it. She was taught early on that she wasn't allowed to complain about his bullying and it might have even made it worse as their mother would sometimes join him.
She grimaced as he commanded her to get him a frog. She contemplated telling him off to get his own frog but maybe she could turn it into something better.
"On-y if you help! Race ya!" She suggested, She wasn't as good as him at catching frogs anyway. She lurched forward and gently grasped a few of his chest hairs that puffed out at her for a quick playful tug then darted her way toward the creek. A race to see who would get to the creek first!
Alexandrite vs Copper for Race
Round 1/-
Age: under 1 year
Size: Medium
Build: Light
Skills: Advanced Healer & Novice Intellectual
Specialty: n/a