
Will you hold the line?

Feat. Eltrys



Intermediate Fighter (50)

Beginner Hunter (10)

2 Years
05-24-2024, 05:36 PM


She found herself alone, as always. It was both a joy and also a bane. How long had she been wandering with no interaction? How often had she seen others wolves, only to turn away with the images of her mother in her mind. Moreover, not only did she see her mother but she could also hear her. Those words that whispered in her ears like venom, no one would ever want to talk to you. You have nobody. Only me. She shook her head, as if she'd actually felt the breath from the red woman's lungs.

She stopped at the side of a large pool, her paws just barely caressing the water. Sunlight dappled the waters with percolating light and shadows from the trees above. The quiet sighing of the wind was really the only thing whispering to her and she let out a sigh, closing her eyes briefly. She was here, she was away from the witch. She could focus on her own life.

She'd wandered here. A place that she'd come to before, many times. There was a particular trail here. One that lead to a place of water where she'd oft come for a bit of relaxation. To clear her head. To think of her life.

And what life was that? She had no idea. All she knew was wandering, hunting, swimming. The latter she did now, slipping into the waves. It was one of the few things she enjoyed in life. Swimming. She went round and round until she finally stopped a yard or two from the shoreline, where she tread the water. Her impassive, stoic face drifting into something that was gently content.


You gotta be so cold to make it in this world

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1. Will you hold the line? Wraith's Woods 05:36 PM, 05-24-2024 12:05 AM, 06-30-2024