
Go. The Fuck. To sleep.




Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Hunter (0)

11 Years
Extra large
05-24-2024, 06:41 PM

Oh sweet little firefly... So naive, so innocent, so unaware... If only you'd looked longer in the water...

In the dark waters as still as a mirror and as deep as oblivion, Fever's reflection passed by as she went around the edges of the lake. And in the wake of that movement in the water's surface, a shimmer of movement followed her. A shadow prowled after her in the water, like it were moving behind a pane of glass to mimic her every move. So unaware was Fever in her state of play that she hadn't noticed as the fireflies around her began to go dark permanently, one by one, until just the one floating lazily in the air before her remained. And when it too went dark and failed to reignite its light, then the stillness of the lake was broken.

The surface of the lake exploded outward, a massive paw pulling itself out from underwater like a zombie exhuming itself from its own grave. A second paw followed soon after, thrusting from the dark lake to claw at the land as the form of a massive wolf pulled itself out of the lake, the water sluicing from his coat like a waterfall. Ragged breaths exhaled from heaving lungs as the brute took his first breaths outside of oblivion. Still drenched, his dense fur coat clung to the hulking body of taut muscle that rippled with every movement the brute made hoisting himself onto dry land—or as close to dry land could be in this liminal space. Red eyelids snapped open to reveal eyes as black as jet swirling around the space, panting maw open to reveal rows of sharp fangs. Moros had finally broken free of his prison of an afterlife.

Those abyssal eyes eventually settled on the form of the young pup, and Moros slowly turned his head toward her like a predator studying his prey. There was a flash of something primal and feral in his empty black eyes for a moment before control reappeared in his expression, his mouth slowly closing into an alluring smile—the same kind of smile Alastor so often wore. Rising to his paws, the brute slowly made his way over to the pup, still dripping wet, giant paws crunching the pebbles on the shore under his weight. When he came to within a few feet of Fever, the monstrous brute slowly lowered himself down to his belly, coming to eye level with the absurdly tiny child. He could have devoured her in a single bite if he wished. Ah, but she was no morsel to be consumed. She was his key to his cell; the whole reason he had gotten out of crushing oblivion. He still needed her...

"Thank you for freeing me, my grandchild," he spoke in deep, purring rumbles to the girl, extending a large paw across and holding his paw pads out for her to touch, his smile ever present on his muzzle. He had seen her before. The girl had the power of mediumship and had seen him in the waking world. But the barriers between the living and the dead were almost impenetrable, and she had been the only one ever to acknowledge his existence. Here, in the realm of dreams, Somnium became far easier to access. The barrier was weaker, and all it took was a little power of spirit and the presence of his own blood to break through. Now he could finally interact with her in all sorts of manners. "Little Fever... Such an amazing monster you are. So powerful for your size." Oh yeah, he was flattering her and sweet talking her. If he played nice with the pup, she'd be more inclined to come back and see him, and Moros could absolutely use that and her to his own means.
