
Rising Horizons

Intel Expansion



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
05-24-2024, 08:30 PM
Aurelia allowed the others to speak, her cyan eyes narrowing slightly at their interjections. The scenario painted by Rhazien with the forthcoming snowfall sent shivers through her sleek frame, not out of cold, but anticipation. She hated the waiting game. She could also feel the disdain in Kaino's words, but the very thought of addressing it made her stomach churn. Her gaze flicked to Rhazien, and she gave a curt nod at his suggestion regarding Elysia and the militants.

"I'm not here to play chit-chat while you discuss patrols and coyote clean-ups." Aurelia spat out, her voice laced with a deep-rooted impatience. Gritting her teeth, she shifted her weight uneasily from one paw to the other. Her tail twitched, and she tried to swallow back the nausea that was slowly creeping up her throat. Her morning sickness seemed to ebb and flow with her moods, currently worsening due to the conversation's mundanity.

Her eyes rolled as Kaino continued on about the bears, barely holding back a sarcastic remark. "Sure, let's go poke the bears and see if they'll make room," Aurelia interjected, a sardonic smile playing on her lips. It faded as she continued, her tone pointedly sharp. “Why here? What makes this place special? If you’re worried about controlling the wall, then why not claim the damn thing yourselves?” She spat her questions into the cold air, then rounded on Aresenn, who dared to bring up the Armada. "Inter-pack relations?" she repeated, snorting with disbelief at his query. Her tail lashed behind her and her ears pinned back against her skull, fur bristling at the mere mention of the rival pack. "What about them? Should we invite them for tea?" She scoffed, tossing her head dismissively. Aurelia could feel the bitter taste of bile rise in her throat again, but she swallowed it down with a grimace.

"Aurelia Veratti"

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1. Rising Horizons Sparse Pines 01:35 PM, 05-12-2024 10:46 AM, 06-20-2024