
your beat's too obvious

hunting expansion


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

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Samhain 2022
05-24-2024, 08:48 PM
The frozen tundra echoed with Riot's high-pitched call, a stark interruption to the languid quiet of the winter's day. Aresenn watched as the woman took off, her dark form blending against the white expanse. He stood, muscles tensed and ready, his icy gaze pinned on the lumbering bull.

"Typical," he muttered under his breath with a half-grin slithering over his rough-hewn features. Leave it to Iscariot to hurl headlong into chaos and stir up trouble. But that was part of her charm, wasn't it? The unpredictability. The sheer audacity. His eyes followed her figure for a moment longer before snapping back to the ox. His lips twitched, a growl rumbling in his throat, primal and raw. He could practically taste the fear emanating from the beast. Fear that fuelled the erratic thrashing of its hooves against the frosted ground, as it desperately tried to escape from the relentless pursuit.

As they neared their target, dividing it off the rest of the herd. Aresenn was quick to make first contact. Launching himself towrd the Oxen’s hind quaters with splayed jaws. He clamped his jaws down onto the beast, teeth sinking into thick fur and muscle as he hung on tight. The ox bellowed in agony and fear, its heavy body bucking in a futile attempt to shake off the predator. But he wouldn’t be so easily thwarted.

"Aresenn Praetor"

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1. your beat's too obvious Sparse Pines 01:49 AM, 05-10-2024 10:45 AM, 06-20-2024