
Mod Retry


09-29-2013, 01:39 AM
OOC Name: Cat
How did you get here?: Google
Age: 16

Character's Name: Mod
Age: 1.61 years
Season of birth: Winter
Size: 24.5 in tall::25.27 in long
Appearance description:

OVERALL: Species is Ethiopian wolf/Maned wolf mix. Short and moderately thin, mid-length legs, large fox-like tail, narrow face, oversized pointy ears. The ears have no fur inside them, the insides change from fur color to light skin-pink. Nose is black. Body is well built with strong bones, but with sensitive skin. Also, her paw pads are pink and black, and her claws pure black.

Main fur color is soil red, with markings of white on her chest, lower face, underbelly, paws, and tail, her ears are dark brown and she has a dark brown stripe running along her spine and upper-side of her tail, coming to a large bushy tail-tip.

The texture of her fur is coarse around her paws and snout, and rabbit-soft everywhere else. Her fur bushes up at her neck. Fur is relatively long in all places, but longest at neck and tail.

EYES: Eyes are both aqua-green-gray.

PERSONALITY: Overall, Mod is laid back and easygoing. She tends to hide her feelings for as long as possible, but be reasonable when they're surfaced or questioned. She wears a smile on most occasions, or a refined look. She loves to make people laugh and smile, but prefers that loud-mannered people be dismissed quickly as she finds herself more interested in the quiet, cultured, artistic people of the crowd. Voice is usually quiet and calm, but never rude. Mod also loves tranquility, and the sound and feel of water.
Occasionally, Mod will unleash a side of her you'll wish you'd never met.
Mostly Mod prefers to hang out with those such as omegas and nursing wolves, but she will occasionally accept the friendship of a higher ranking pack member. She merely finds it odd when they seek her friendship.
Mod also takes to making friends outside the pack and even outside her own species. For example, she adores the friendship of cats, foxes, and other animals.

HISTORY: Mod was first born in South-eastern Egypt and has traveled throughout her life until now. She was incidentally abandoned as a pup and taken in by her adoptive parents, Eloise the papillon, Jackson the giant toad, and later, Booshi the red persian. From eloise she had two sisters, Hahter the white tiger and Cranberry the red elephant, and one brother, Banjo the shiba inu/golden retriever mix. From Jackson she had one brother, Achilles the German shepherd/golden retriever mix. And from Booshi, she had four sisters, Dawnwhisper the calico cat, Catcher the white buffalo, Crad the shar pei dog, and Losh the tortoiseshell munchkin cat. In her travels she has acquired and cared for many young animals which she refers to as her children. Her children include: Raven the ragdoll cat, Minnie the black tuxedo cat, Koriand'r the gray tuxedo cat, Krypto the black kitten, Kage the black cat, Tsuki the gray tuxedo cat, Max the gray and white cat, Moswen the white German shepherd/lab mix, and Mingo the gray tabby kitten. She has no blood related children and no mate.

A few months before her arrival in Alacritis, she ran away from her home at Jackson and Booshi's declaring to find a better home and life as they had begun to fail her.

Duty: GLACIEM-- Omega-- Hunter-- Fisher