
Away where I can pretend I'm alright




Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
05-25-2024, 02:03 PM

Bellamy had tried to go home, had wanted to speak to Saga, but in the end she hadn’t been able to bring herself to speak to her daughter. She had gone into the lands long enough to speak to Acere and let him know they were leaving. It was nothing against her family, no, the fault was her own. If she had been a better mother, if she hadn’t been so broken, if she hadn’t taught her daughter the wrong things and let her own anger rule her, then maybe Haydee wouldn’t have made the mistakes she had made. The more she thought about her daughter’s leadership, and the broken pieces that her children had needed to pick up, the more guilt Bellamy felt. She couldn’t face them… and so she headed toward Northern Boreas with Ace. Back to familiar lands… back… home.

Bellamy had hoped for some peace to find her in coming back here. It was cold here… and since coming here Bellamy had hardly wanted to leave the warm nest of blankets she had brought into the room for herself and Ace. He had less of a need for them than she did, but still Bellamy wanted him to be comfortable for familarities sake. She snuggled into her cloak as well, knowing that soon she was going to have to hunt. They had been there for about a day and half and she hadn’t eaten since they arrived. The woman reassured him she would get some fish or something once she was feeling a little more herself… which his presence helped with.

She had cried… but curled next to him, having companionship of that sort again helped more than she realized. She thought of her daughter too, hoping that Haydee could find that same sort of comfort from someone back at home. It shamed her that she couldn’t face her daughter… but after the headaches she had brought to Haydee she figured distance would be best. A lot of the journey had been Acere reassuring her, offering comfort. And now that she had spoken her heart to the man she loved, she felt like she was starting to feel better… if only slightly.

It was mid morning by the time Bellamy’s eyes flickered open. The woman stretched, the bundle of blankets making her feel cozy even against Ace’s cooler form. His touch was different, but she could hold him, touch him… it was something she hadn’t realized how much she had missed. A grumble from her belly caused the woman to give a soft whine. “We should have looked for a fishing net.” She told the man as she glanced over at him. A small smile touched her lips.

“The blankets are nice… maybe we can steal some pillows from the other rooms and really make a cozy nest for ourselves.”

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.