
Slaved Bride




Novice Fighter (20)

Beginner Hunter (0)

2 Years
Extra large
05-25-2024, 06:35 PM

just a wolf in wolf's clothing,

he led the way to the bridge in the cave, going to meet back where he left his intricate design. having stored it here for only a brief time, vadim would trot until he arrived to the corner of bridge rails. ahh-, a glistening bell weaved into a collar of sorts: made of muted indigo cloth that was woven together with obvious skill and investment. carefully, the item was made to fit the neck of the bride he'd choose. a preparation for the time to come, and a signal of the training that would begin.
vadim did not hold too tightly to many things. he picked his poisons and usually fell bored rather quickly. he needed to be stimulated.. he needed to be in control. he arrives then to behold the collar, his eyes squinting for a moment with pleasure. he paused, turning from the edge of the bridge now to look back with an expectant gaze to meet her lilac eyes. "I've here a valuable gift for you. May it adorn your beauty for me." he spoke with a baritone voice that felt laced with his egotism and claim. accordingly, he gently lifted the collar from wooden rail before bringing it to dainty toes of iris. he places it down then rose to peer at her with blue eyes that studied her reactions. he said nothing else-, expecting her to slip it on with obedient heed.

"Talk" 'Think'

table by scarlet, art by nelsa
Vadim's proclaimed wife is Iris, therefor she may intrude any threads regardless of their tag.

Vadim is a character that is entirely rated mature for too many reasons to list. Viewer discretion is advised with any of his posts & threads.

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1. Slaved Bride Crystal Cathedral 06:35 PM, 05-25-2024 08:32 PM, 06-18-2024