
Drop on by

Howl 1


09-29-2013, 02:29 AM

The man would turn his head away, reluctantly listening to the explanation that Song gave. He couldn't believe what she was saying, not that she was lying or anything, just the fact that she claimed that she couldn't go back. He scoffed, She could have tried...whether their mother saw her or not, she could have damn well tried. bitter thoughts ate through his mind, seeing her words as nothing but excuses. She didn't care about them, otherwise she would have done everything to make sure that they were recognized just as much as she was. He couldn't believe, just couldn't. For all he knew, she could be just as decieving as their mother had been.

And then, his sister would speak. At this, he lifted his head to stare at those standing in front of him, cold hazel eyes betraying nothing. Symphony spoke truth, he couldn't deny that. And while it was true about the gifts each one of them had, Song didn't do a damn little thing to even get their mother to recognize it...After she had left, and the next litter came, the siblings made sure that the pack didn't make the same mistake. The younger generation new what it was like to be loved and recognized, and Howl loved them dearly. Still, as the talking continued...he just couldn't bring himself to believe that Song spoke true of her words. He had no idea how long it would be till he forgave her. Or if he would ever forgive her. He had been holding onto the grudging rage for years...and something like that was just hard to let go.

Should he say something? He knew that if he did, it would be none too happy like everyone else...eyes flickered over to two smaller figures that appeared, the two pups that he had run into earlier. They did seem to be good perhaps they had been closer then he thought. The cubs he would not be mad at, so at the mention of his introduced name he would nod politely to them to confirm that he was the one called Howl. Then, his gaze would rise at last to the lost sister. Though they didn't hold any warmth or friendliness in them...instead, it was more of an alien like feeling. Bereft of any other emotion as he knew not what to feel. "Symphony is right. You could have at least made an effort...but you didn't. You left us with nothing. Our mother pining day and night since you left, and us? We were nothing but invisible souls left to practically care for ourselves. Though our Father had somewhat more sense then Mother, he still wasn't enough. You left us broken, Song. Abandoned us to our own devices and trying to get attention from Mother. But even after you left, we still weren't good enough. And now here we are. You claim it's not your fault, that you tried this or the other thing but..." He closed his maw. He wouldn't say anything else...not here. Not in front of their younger siblings and nieces. He simply turned his head away from all of them, hiding the hurt that began to seep into his alienated look.
