
We as Infidels



2 Years
09-29-2013, 06:20 AM (This post was last modified: 09-29-2013, 11:10 AM by Meinx.)
The dark pearl was so alone in this place- consumed by the time that drifts away so fast that not even she could care about meeting people. It was a call that caught the attention of the girl, her father. Yet it would not be for Meinx, no. it would be for Vyvienne. A sigh would roll past the ebony lips as the moon hinted orbs would roll in an exaggerated manner. Standing would the small femora whisk across the earth to greet the two- the two wolves she has seen very little of. Her steps where in a constant beat, silent and predator like as she'd approach behind her father. Strong and confidant Meinx would stand a few meters away, the cranium held higher then usual. " Oh.. So you've forgotten about me now, papa?" The sarcastic, wicked tune to the voice would be captured into the scene, before a weak chuckle would ease it over.

The gaze would drift slowly over vyv, a smirk twisting upon the lips knowing that they where destined for great things. After a few moments Meinx would stand beside her older sister, there differences only slight- for one- the only obvious difference is there eye colour. One thing would always linger on the mind- did her sister think she owned all the siblings, even Meinx? It was a thought worth clinging to. Her mother had been absence, did she leave them to carry on the life of a rouge? did Eos not love them anymore?

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.