
The devil you know



Trauma Specialist

Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

1 Year

Double MasterCritical Fail!Scarred
05-26-2024, 04:21 PM

Damn, she hadn't seen any of his cool moves while trying to defend her? It became increasingly obvious that she was in far too much pain and distress to remain conscious for long.

He carefully sifted through the sliced and half-chewed meat that was the remains of her back. Were any of her bones compromised? It seemed most of it was surface level meat grinding, poor thing. She mumbled about not going back and it pricked his ears. Wherever she was from he didn't think it was a good idea to go back to it anyway.

"Don't worry," He soothed confidently, "I won't let them take you back." Whether that was true wasn't quite his concern yet, He was taking this girl as his patient and Bas can knock some sense into him later.

While he was distracted with checking her wounds he heard the sounds of someone approaching behind him. He assumed it was his raccoon and raven returning,
"Ah, good, pass me the..." Hot breath made his neck hairs stand up as he turned to find the bear about to snap him up again.

With a snarl, Oleander pushed against the ground and thudded his sharp angular shoulder blades up into the bear's chin.
"I thought I told you to fuck off!" Growled the youth as he spun over the girl and stood over her. He wasn't going to give her up easily. The bear made to swipe at him and he ducked under the powerful paw, then launched himself at the bear's armpit, a frequent tactic he was starting to master on these damn beasts. He raked his sharp cat-like claws over its belly as it roared above him and he sank his teeth hard into the flesh of the flap of skin where the arm met the torso.


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1. The devil you know Submerged Woods 03:51 PM, 05-25-2024 03:01 PM, 07-18-2024