
Slaved Bride




Expert Intellectual (170)

Advanced Healer (60)

2 Years
05-26-2024, 04:42 PM

The girl walked behind him, her dainty footfalls silent. He leads her to the mouth of a cave and her face brightens with delight! Ohh!! A cave! How wonderful! She was even more awestruck by the glittering within. Gypsum and limestone covered the walls and crusted every surface. He led her beyond the first rooms and onto a carefully built wooden bridge, it must have been built long ago by the two legs of old. Preserved against the natural elements!

She is awestruck by the surroundings, she is almost giddy with the prospect of what she can find! Crystals? Pretty rocks? What if there were strange creatures in the water below?

She looks over the edge of the pool, her tail swaying excitedly as she peers into the water below. His voice enters the dripping symphony in a rich and expectant baritone, capturing her attention immediately. A gift?

He places the collar before her and her dainty paws dance back a step, did she hear it chime so faintly? She sniffs it and notices the shiny bell and fancy lacing weaving through the front of it.

"Merci, mon cher" She replied, looking up at him from her bowed head over the collar. Would it fit? Why did he have this? It was beautiful and the color matched his eyes well.
She slipped it on and a delighted naive smile broke through her dark maw as she heard the chime of the bell much clearer now. It was a rather large bell and made a clear chime every time she moved! How delightful!

"Oh! Vadim! It sings so!" She sways and skips and dances elegantly over the bridge, the chiming echoing through the caves over the water, weaving into the song of the flowing waters and dripping symphony of the cathedral caves. Oblivious of its meaning and tether it would be.

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[Image: LU5V1Zq.png]

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1. Slaved Bride Crystal Cathedral 06:35 PM, 05-25-2024 08:32 PM, 06-18-2024