
Guess Who Just Got Back Today



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

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4 Years
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1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
05-26-2024, 06:44 PM

Avacyn could tell from the way Mariah's expression shifted that there was something eating at her as she listened to this explanation of what had been weighing on her recently, but she never could have expected what the reason behind that distress was. Avacyn's slightly forced smile faded as her younger sister admitted that she knew of The Syndicate because of someone she had met from that group while they were still a band. Immediately she was concerned because of what Artorias had described the wolves to be, but she held her tongue, waiting and listening as Mariah continued to explain. At the very least the man's name–Caedes–didn't match the name of the seemingly bloodthirsty brute that led The Syndicate. Avacyn still had her doubts that every wolf in The Syndicate was as terrible as their leader, which she had said as much during the alphas meeting, and she held on to that doubt while she processed this news that her little sister shared.

As Mariah fell silent there was a long moment of silence as Avacyn took this in and processed everything. Nothing could ever be a clean and easy situation for them, could it? "Mariah... All I can ever hope for any of us is to find someone we love to spend our lives with so I want to be happy for you, but..." She hesitated, letting out a slow sigh as she rubbed a paw over her face. "Did you know that it wasn't simply a show of force that they did to take that pack? Do you understand that they kidnapped Beauregard's son and threatened his life in exchange for his pack? If it had been an honest fight I could have overlooked it because that is a risk every alpha takes when they hold this kind of power. It's the same kind of challenge our mother faced when she created Elysium. But to threaten the life of a child to get your way..."

Another heavy sigh escaped her as she shook her head, looking at the ground for a moment. As much as she didn't like any of it she also understood the lengths someone would go through to follow their heart. Who was she to judge when she broke off a valuable alliance, two arranged marriages, and put herself in a position where she would never be able to birth her own children just to be able to keep Saracyn as her soul mate? The last thing she wanted to do was drive Mariah away because she felt like she had to pick the man she loved or her family. Avacyn was afraid of what Mariah might pick if she was put to that kind of choice. There was another beat of silence before she finally brought her gaze back to Mariah's again, examining her younger sister's expression. Mariah was a smart girl–far smarter than most, if she was being honest.

"I told Artorias at his meeting that I hesitated to judge every Syndicate wolf based on what their leader chose to do and I meant that. I trust your judgement. If this is the man you love then I have to believe that he's treating you well and that he has more morals than his alpha." She had known when she became Matriarch that she'd face impossible decisions and have to make hard choices, but perhaps she had underestimated just how often she was going to be faced with them. "I have no intentions on initiating any sort of violence toward The Syndicate and I will do my best to mediate where I can, but I'll need your help. I want to meet Caedes. I've only heard about The Syndicate and their wolves as if they're some story told to children to warn them away from going somewhere... I can't go against our alliance with The Hallows so I'm not saying that we can make friends with The Syndicate as a whole, but I do want to know what kind of man Caedes is and try to find some kind of agreement to make this work for the two of you."

"Avacyn Medacium"

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