
The Inquisitor

Mireia, Sephiran


The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (180)

Advanced Healer (100)

3 Years
Extra large
05-27-2024, 02:59 PM
Mireia promised to be on her best behavior for their first meeting with Sephiran as Sultan, but somehow he doubted she even knew what good behavior was. She smirked and purred her words, but stayed just behind him as he had instructed, so perhaps she was actually listening somewhat. Good; that would keep them both alive longer. There was only a short wait after his call went out before the sound of heavy footfalls through the fresh snow could be heard getting closer. Azrael's ears perked, sage green optics turned in the direction of the noise. And then there was Sephiran in all his glory, ostentatious and haughty as ever. Some things never changed... While the brute approached them, Azrael stretched out his forepaws on the ground and lowered his front half in a bow before the Sultan, that cocksure smile never leaving his lips all the while. Az remained down, tail lowered along with his body, only rising again once Sephiran addressed him.

"Sultan Sephiran," he began as he stood, teeth flashing in a delighted smile to see his cousin. "Congratulations on your successful conquest!" Sephiran was curt and straight to the point, as he had always been. No reason to beat around the bush. Had he come to serve Sephiran? "Indubitably! Just as my father served yours." Diomedes was Apollyon's inquisitor back in Saffron; the Sultan's means of extracting absolute truth and loyalty and nothing less. That smile took on a more wickedly eager manner, his green eyes alive with a mirth and a keenness to begin his work here. "Like him, I've come to offer my skills to you. Saffron is secure and my work was stagnant there, lacking focus. But under your reign... well, nothing is more valuable to a new Sultan than finding what he wants." Whether it was dredging the minds of others to find whatever he wanted or physically tracking down someone, Azrael had learned all of his sire's tricks of the trade. He was an accomplished tracker and interrogator. Any treachery or disloyalty would be sniffed and snuffed out swiftly by the pair of them together.

Azrael noticed how Sephiran's eyes would occasionally dart behind him to Mireia, glancing over his shoulder to follow the Sultan's appraising gaze to the fae behind him. "This is Mireia. My newest toy," he explained to Sephiran, taking a small sidestep to put Mireia more directly in their new alpha's line of sight. "One of the downsides of traveling so far—I couldn't bring my Sidi with me." It had been such a tragedy having to give up his toys when he departed Saffron, but at least he'd gotten to have one last night to play with them. Oh, and play with them he did! He felt bad for whoever had to clean up the bodies after he was done with them. Az then looked to Mireia to do as he had done and swear fealty to the Sultan. "Say hello to your new Sultan, Mireia." The steely look in his green eyes urging her to speak now and speak carefully. Then they would await Sephiran's further questions or his approval.

"Azrael Saxe"

Warning: Azrael is a highly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.