
Using our last condom to make an animal balloon seemed like a good idea at the time..


Lyra Rum-Spice

Raiders Hollow

Advanced Fighter (110)

Advanced Intellectual (60)


Student1KRapid Poster - Bronze
05-28-2024, 12:30 AM
In comparison to the others, Lyra would be born much smoother. Being one of the smaller pups she was pushed from the womb faster than those of larger size. Her first moments of consciousness were full of chaos. Suddenly, she was jolted into an unfamiliar cold, and the pup couldn't breathe. Her lungs were bursting, attempting to cry for the warmth she did not know existed until it was gone. Someone's tongue would lick the placenta off her tiny nose. A strong whine would come from the tiny body, clearing any leftover fluid and declaring her arrival. There was a metallic smell that she didn't know. There were many things she didn't know. The scent of milk, the scent of her mother. These were the only familiar things in an alien world.

Being somewhat soothed by her mother's smell, Lyra's cries dwindled. Soft but insistent. As she took her first true breaths, her tiny lungs filled with air for the first time. She felt the tender nudges of others. Pups who were born with a unique blend of wild and domesticated heritage. Her eyes were still closed, but she could feel her mother's comforting presence nearby. The soft, rhythmic thud of her mother’s heartbeat was a lullaby that promised safety and love. Lyra’s pelt was a mix of Jael's. A soft, plump creature crying for comfort. Ripped from the warm shelter of the womb.

As she squirmed and nestled closer to her siblings, she could feel the strength in her tiny limbs, a testament to her wolf lineage. Instinct kicked in, and she began to root for the nearest teat. Lyra's ears, though still folded, twitched at every new sound—the whispers of the wind outside the den, the rustle of leaves, and the distant calls of other animals. The cries of other pups. Fear. Each sound was a promise of challenges yet to come, of a world waiting to be conquered.

For now, Lyra was content to stay close to her mother, feeling the warmth and security of her family. This was all she needed and so the deepest bond she would ever experience was formed. A love for her family she was born with. She was a tiny bundle of potential. Another loud squeal would burst from her lungs, demanding comfort. A nose would nudge her toward a sweet scent. As Lyra began to suckle, a sense of calm washed over as she fell into a resting state.

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1. Using our last condom to make an animal balloon seemed like a good idea at the time.. Cryer's Ravine 05:34 PM, 05-25-2024 12:37 AM, 07-03-2024