
Guess Who Just Got Back Today



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

05-27-2024, 10:08 AM (This post was last modified: 05-27-2024, 10:13 AM by Mariah. Edited 1 time in total.)

Mariah went still for several moments as she was given more vivid details of what the situation had been. Her body tensed as she began to process the information. She hadn't known that- no, she had not. Caedes had said they were preparing for a display of force. It left her with the impression that they were preparing to fight with the mindset of trying to bluff their purpose to avoid a fight. Oh. But wasn’t that exactly what they did? She hadn’t known they had taken a hostage. It wasn’t the threat of impending war that settled the Norad leader’s mind, but the threat against the hostage- the child. That was the display of force. Caedes hadn’t lied to her, he just didn’t provide the entire picture … of course, she didn’t ask either. She accepted it. She accepted him. And she knew that he wasn’t a cold-blooded murderer- at least not without good reason. What was a good reason to be a cold-blooded murderer? Was there one? Could it be for family? Would Caedes murder for family? Would her family murder for their own?

She finally cleared her throat to speak once again. “I did not know that.” She answered lowly. Looking toward the ground for a split second before she pressed for more information. What else did Avacyn know that she did not? “Was the child harmed?” She asked, wanting to know how true to their word Syndicate had been. Had they let it go at their display of force?

Mariah's eyes flicked back to Avacyn as she spoke, her sister's words making too much sense. She could see the strain in Avacyn's face, the weight of responsibility and of a future filled with uncertainty pressing down on her. This was not something Mariah had ever anticipated; her personal life becoming so entangled with the pack's greater affairs- not to this extent. Of course, there was always going to be the struggle of maintaining separate lives and sharing what time they could. But of course, now there was a more political complication of the matter. Yet here she was, her heart tied to a man from a pack seemingly feared by others. "I appreciate your understanding," Mariah murmured softly. Her gaze fell on the ground as she contemplated Avacyn's proposition. She could reassure her sister of Caedes’ character. She could grovel, and try and set the tone in advance. But she wanted her family to respect him- it was unnecessary for her to dote on the man. Her feelings would go unsaid for now- it would be up to Caedes. She felt a strange mix of apprehension and relief. “It seems like he’s never too far away,” A near-silent, but ill-timed breathless chuckle escaped her nose in observance of her darkened humor before fading immediately. “I would be happy to introduce him to you- whenever you're ready.” Mariah finished, offering her sister a tightened half-smirk. Even having just gotten home, she was fully prepared to turn right back around and go find that shadow of hers. Wherever he was lingering.

"Mariah Mendacium"

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