
mysterious carnelian



Master Fighter (245)

Expert Navigator (235)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022
05-27-2024, 05:55 PM

The day was mild for winter and Enki found himself tidying up things around the pack lands. There were kills that needed to be cleaned, bones to be bleached, and meat to be stored so he did it all and he did with a smile because life is good now. Sure, there had been heartache, sorrow, and fear for a long time but, now that he had found himself again, he couldn’t be happier.

He is just putting the skull of a deer into one of the large pots of boiling to help finish stripping off the flesh and stubborn tendons that clung to it when a call for him reaches his ears. Head snaps around, eyes widening because he knows that voice but he hasn’t heard since before…. Quickly, Enki cleans off his paws and then is racing out to where she waits, his family, his sister who he traded his freedom for.

While Enki had bartered for all of his littermates, he had done it with Akhlut in mind, wishing for her to have a life free from being hunted and fearing that she might be stolen at any moment. A familiar splotched coat comes into view and his paws falter, remembering that the last time he had seen her was when they were pups and he hates that has has been so long.

Two badgers accompany her and the pink man slows, not wishing to bowl over his smaller sibling but unabashedly moves up to her and seeks to envelope her with his long legs into a hug. Heart hammers in his chest as he looks her over, trying to find words but failing. Finally, when his voice does meet the air, it is choked with emotions as he utters one simple word, “Akh.”

Her nickname, his precious sister who he has not spoken to in almost two years. There is so much he wants to ask and say but, for the moment, Enki contents himself withholding onto her as if she were smoke that might disappear if he breathes too hard.

"Enki Klein"