
Name Of The Game

Kotori exploring



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An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

3 Years
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Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022
05-27-2024, 10:44 PM
The brown man speaks and Enki listens intently while his eyes continue to rove over the trees, tracing the gnarled roots that the earthen man lays upon until they meet the cool blue water, where he finds a fish swimming past. Surprise colors his gaze as he turns it downward, paying attention to the flashes of color and ripples that signal passing fish. They seem to enjoy moving through the roots and he deduces that they probably use them as a hiding spot from more predatory animals.

Silence falls and Enki looks back to the earthen man, cocking his head slightly as he says, “I like to explore and I had never been here before. I do not mean to alarm you, I just wanted to see this place. Ah, but where are my manners?” Coming to a stop near the man, he straightens up and dips his head in a respectful bow while offering, “I am Enki Klein, Wraith of Insomnia and I mean you and your pack no harm.” His tone is serious and the pale pink man means it because he is simply here exploring.

Just as he lifts his head, the sun finally gives way to the moon and darkness reigns supreme. In the low light, the mangroves burst to life as a luminescent glow brightens the dark world. Breath hitches in his chest as Enki’s bright gaze slides away from the stranger, finding the magical glow that makes the trees seem to be alive. Fireflies dance on the chilly breeze, blinking their lights in a rhythm only known to the insects and the effect of it all is simply breathtaking.

With a soft, ‘whoosh’, Enki releases the held breath and says, “Amazing.” Even the roots underneath the water line glow, appearing to be ropes of light as they descend down into the darkness and reveal just how deep the waters go.

"Enki Klein"

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1. Name Of The Game Lover's Mangrove 08:35 PM, 05-27-2024 05:35 PM, 07-23-2024