
We Will Break Away Together.



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

05-28-2024, 04:11 AM (This post was last modified: 05-28-2024, 04:27 AM by Mariah. Edited 2 times in total.)

Beneath the vaulted grandeur of the cave ceiling, Mariah rested beside Caedes in the flickering light of the dying fire. Their shared warmth in the chill underground seemed a tangible thing, separate from the stone and earth that surrounded them. Finally, their … physical passions had been satiated after having gone what seemed like an eternity apart, and a cool quiet permeated their secluded sanctuary. The space reeked of their lust, and it seemed as if the sultry grasps of unconsiousness were moving in- the rhythmic breathing between them echoing softly through the tunnels marking time with the crackling campfire that dimly illuminated the space. But unfortunately, her mind was far from peaceful. An undercurrent of disquiet roiled within her, threatening to shatter the hard-won tranquility. Mariah's gaze traced the rough contours of Caedes' face, hardened and rugged from survival. His muscular form stirred memories of their tangled bodies and the raw force of their coupling. Yet beyond the allure of his physicality, there was something more, something that had drawn her to him like a moth to a flame. Something dangerous.

His loyalty.

Mariah knew this, for she was no stranger to power dynamics, to the delicate balance between giver and receiver. His steadfast support, his unchanging loyalty, it was at once comforting and terrifying. It was a sword that could cut both ways.

She needed to introduce Caedes to her family, for them to see the man who had had become her lifeline in the tumultuous upheaval of their lives. But a part of her quailed, apprehensive of their judgment, fearful of their reactions, guilty of the hoops that they were going to try and make him jump through. Perhaps even more so, she was wary of what the exposure might do to Caedes. His rugged exterior hid a depth of emotion seldom seen; she feared the introduction might be too much, too soon.

A sigh escaped Mariah's lips, the silver flecks around her eyes catching the dim light of the dying embers. She looked once more to Caedes, her gaze tender, even as it was weighed down with the gravity of their situation. She couldn't deny him any longer - couldn't deny them any longer. The time for secrets had passed. Gathering her courage, she turned to face him fully, her thin paw reaching out, ghosting over his features as if trying to commit them to memory- she couldn’t resist touching him. Her voice was soft when she finally broke the silence, the words a whispered confession tainted with fear. "Caedes," she began, her tone carrying more than just his name.

"Mariah Mendacium"

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1. We Will Break Away Together. Redbud Nook 04:11 AM, 05-28-2024 02:43 PM, 06-07-2024