
We Will Break Away Together.



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

05-28-2024, 03:16 PM (This post was last modified: 05-28-2024, 03:19 PM by Mariah. Edited 1 time in total.)

Mariah listened, her silver eyes reflecting the flickering firelight as she took in Caedes' words. Her paw remained in his, their connection grounded in a gentle touch as she processed the tale he spun. The shadows in the cave seemed to dance and sway with each rise and fall of their mingled breaths, a silent symphony of contemplative silence.

Norad. The name sat heavy on her tongue, a strange bitterness that coated her palate like some forsaken winter berry. It was not the brutality or the cunning of it all that unsettled her - those were traits well-known to any wolf who lived long enough. What sent tremors of uncertainty down her spine was the ease with which Caedes narrated the tale, as if it were no more than a simple recounting of a hunt, an everyday occurrence.

But wasn't that survival? Wasn't that the law of their world - kill or be killed, dominate or be dominated? And yet, hearing Caedes' words, seeing the sincerity in his gaze, stirred a strange turbulence within her. "I understand," she began, her voice barely above a whisper. Her gaze flickered away from his for the briefest of moments as she gathered her thoughts, the embers of the fire casting dancing shadows across her sleek form. "I understand your kin's need for lands- for protection. For family. I don’t think my own blood would ask any less.” Her gaze returned to him, silver eyes meeting his dark ones once more. Her next words emerged slowly, her tone careful and measured. "It doesn’t even seem to me that honor is all that important. But loyalty- that is very important. And unfortunately, my sister has professed her loyalty to the Hallows and Artorias." Her voice echoed softly in the stone chamber, swallowed by the silence that followed. The flickering firelight caught in the silver markings around her eyes, illuminating the apprehension there. She fell silent, thinking about what she had learned, and what she still needed to say.

“My sister wants to meet you, and she says that she wants to help us make this work. I trust her. She also doesn’t want to chance a divid between us- her and myself- at least I don’t think.” Her voice trailed off, her thoughts tangling like vine-encrusted trees, complicated and gnarled. Her heart warmed at Avacyn's good intentions. Yet, a part of her couldn't help but worry about the precarious situation that lay ahead.

Her gaze locked with Caedes', the amber firelight dancing in his dark eyes. She studied his face, the strong lines and rugged features highlighted by the flickering glow. His honesty was raw. Unyielding. His dedication to his kin- to her, paramount. She let out a soft sigh, her breath dancing with the fire's warmth before it was swallowed by the cool cave air. "But my sister is going to ask about Norad, and about your kin - tell her everything you can and I’ll support you." she said quietly. In her heart, she knew they could not enter into this blindly; to build trust and understanding, there had to be complete transparency. Her words echoed in the cave, a solemn reminder of the gravity of their situation. “Perhaps there could be room for secrets. But anything you disclose to her- or any of my other relatives for that matter, do so in honesty.” The momentary silence manifested between them once more, though she allowed this one to go quite a bit loner. Getting lost in that emerald gaze of his.

"I love you," she whispered, her voice barely audible against the faint crackling of the fire. The words hung in the air, thick and rich like the aroma of the wood smoke. They lingered, unadorned, in the hush of the cave, each syllable a promise, a pledge.

"Mariah Mendacium"

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1. We Will Break Away Together. Redbud Nook 04:11 AM, 05-28-2024 02:43 PM, 06-07-2024