
Slaved Bride




Novice Fighter (20)

Beginner Hunter (0)

2 Years
Extra large
05-28-2024, 08:09 PM (This post was last modified: 05-28-2024, 08:10 PM by Vadim. Edited 1 time in total.)

just a wolf in wolf's clothing,

she almost began to grow on him. a disdainful feeling it was that churned in his stomach. what was this sensation? like worms that turned and rolled in his belly. as if she stimulated him too much-. he wanted to bark at her and demand she stop the dancing but he allowed the emotion to sway him. his lips crease into a handsome dimpled smile, one that was genuine in delight. her giddiness was by now, a trait she held. and soon, his ponders became darkened with he worry of life that surrounded her. in all this newness, he felt a bond growing. albeit a protective one. what was her magic in this?
"Iris." he called out with a still, stoic voice. eyes flat and hiding the contentment he felt from watching her. "sit with me." he aimed to ground her as he sat to look over the water. "What can I do to keep you happy, Iris?" not that he cared too much. but a spiteful wife was not one he intended to have. rather a complimentary woman who fed his needs at any hour.. and he, hers. the concept of a symbiotic relationship was foreign. but he would invest to understand and honor it before resulting to his common default of abusing and using fear to control situations. for some odd reason.. in a world where vadim wanted to see others in pain.. he did not wish to see her in pain.

"Talk" 'Think'

table by scarlet, art by nelsa
Vadim's proclaimed wife is Iris, therefor she may intrude any threads regardless of their tag.

Vadim is a character that is entirely rated mature for too many reasons to list. Viewer discretion is advised with any of his posts & threads.

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1. Slaved Bride Crystal Cathedral 06:35 PM, 05-25-2024 08:32 PM, 06-18-2024