
Won't remember me



Raiders Hollow

Expert Navigator (215)

Expert Healer (120)

3 Years
05-29-2024, 05:37 PM

[Image: b7VvRsF.png]

Morwenna's face grew more and more concerned and aggrieved as she heard of the terrible things Modesty had experienced at the paws of Ethne. She stood and shook her pelt heavily to get rid of the prickly feeling itching through her fur. She was suddenly worried for her friend and wondered if Mel knew about these atrocities. Did she know Mel well enough though? Maybe Mel would even side with Ethne on these events... She'll give Ethne a wide berth for a while.

[b]"How awful, Modesty,"
Morwenna replied, looking up earnestly to the dire woman, "What a terrible experience you've all endured!"[/b] She sympathized, "Please if you ever need me, don't hesitate to call me. You can always bend my ear." She offered and placed her paw forward in sincerity.

She suddenly remembered a certain plan Deluge was making. If the Raiders were to be her clan, would there be these political lines drawn within it? She was a healer though, and her own inner compass disregarded political ties and acts of such self-preserving tactics. She would provide care to any who asked of it, no matter who they were, strangers, friends, and even enemies. Would extending her ear as an offering to Modesty betray Deluge? Well... The marble woman wasn't here, what else could she do?

She perked up her ears to the idea that she was free to wander as she would! "Oh! I might do that!" She replied, "I wouldn't want to be gone for a little while yet, not with newborns around." She squinted cutely at Mod's belly. She wondered if she'd ever have her own. Half the season had already passed, and her own heat was soon to pass with it. Though she had known of some females to fall pregnant outside of their seasons, a rare occurrence though.

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1. Won't remember me Cryer's Ravine 07:31 PM, 05-18-2024 06:56 PM, 06-21-2024