
From Fire, We Grow

Pack meeting


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
05-29-2024, 09:10 PM
Carefully... Carefully...! With delicate paws, Syanna took great care administering a precise amount of drops from a small vial into the flask currently heating up over a small burner in her room. Her chemistry set was all spread out across her work desk, various ingredients and concoctions of all kinds strewn across its surface while she worked on what might be her greatest accomplishment to date. But it required the utmost precision and accuracy in her measurements. One wrong dosage could easily lead to horrific side effects or death with this. But the Carpathian princess had asked her to put her knowledge of the Long Night's mysterious maladies to use creating a cure for someone she cared about and Syanna had been all in on her project. With the drops she needed added, Syanna picked up the flask and began to swirl it gently in her paws, watching the contents within being to slowly mix together.

But just as she began her mixing, the howl from the Aegis went out and Syanna's ears perked, a look of panic crossing her face. Oh no no no! Not now! She needed to mix this for five minutes still! Anxiously swirling the flask, Syanna began to hum a nervous little tune while she counted down the seconds in her head, a paw tapping impatiently on the floor. C'mon, potion, hurry up! She had a meeting to get to! Time ticked by second after second, each moment making her hope and pray she didn't end up being the last one to arrive to a meeting late. Swirl swirl swirl went the liquid inside the flask. Tick tick tick went the clock. Syanna gave an impatient whine while she worked. And then, after an agonizingly long time, the colors shifted in the liquid, and then she got the result she was looking for. Success!

Shutting off the burner and setting the flask aside to cool, Syanna scurried out of her room and rushed down the stairs, practically leaping off the final set to go sprinting into the Great Hall. Shoot, everyone else was here already! Moving as surreptitiously as she could since it didn't seem like the meeting had begun yet, she slunk through the crowd to go find a seat beside her husband, nestling up next to Ezra and turning a little smile up at him while they waited for things to get started.


As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.

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1. From Fire, We Grow Amron's Castle 12:02 AM, 05-14-2024 04:53 PM, 07-18-2024