
It's not just a boulder... It's a rock!




Intermediate Fighter (55)

Advanced Navigator (60)

4 Years
Extra small

Pride - Bisexual
05-29-2024, 09:23 PM

Although it was a noble effort from Avacyn, Juniper knew she'd reach the top of the rock first, and when she inevitably did she just shot Ava a triumphant grin and gave a happy little celebratory wiggle of her shoulders. "What can I say? Mama raised a natural born wayfarer! Sorry I hustled you, but I got to show off a bit, so I'm not really sorry," she replied with a playful giggle. From atop the sizable boulder, Juniper was able to see the Rock Garden in all directions. Not only did the open land and coast seemed to stretch out for miles, but so too did the ocean to the east, just a vast and endless sea going on as far as the eye could see. Juniper had always loved the sea, and her mint gaze was immediately drawn to the shimmering ocean in the late day sun. "Wow... What a great view you have here!" she commented with a delighted grin sitting lopsided on her muzzle, her bushy tail wagging so fast it was dusting off the snow from the rock.

Avacyn seemed to be reading her mind when she remarked about how the ocean seemed to go on forever. "Yeah, it does. My dad came from a land far away and he always talks about how there's so much more world across the sea. But I can't believe there's still so much just out there that we don't even know exists!" June breathed a soft, amazed sigh while she watched the waves rise and fall out on the restless ocean. "The world is so big that I forget about it sometimes. I'd really like to learn how to sail one of these days. Maybe then I can see some of these faraway places my dad talks about." Turning her gaze up to Ava, she added in, "Maybe when you're not so busy, we could go sailing? We don't have to leave Ardent, just up and down the coast for a bit of fun or something."

"Juniper of the Sea"