
The devil you know



Trauma Specialist

Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

1 Year

Double MasterCritical Fail!Scarred
05-29-2024, 10:04 PM

The bear took his opposite paw and shoved Ollie away. But he was latched on tightly to the fragile skin flap and it roared as his teeth rendered the flap of skin to ribbons as he was thrown aside. The snow-white wolf was prepared for the throw and rolled into a soft landing before bolting back up on his feet.

He snarled as he placed himself between the girl and the bear. Finally, the ursine got the message and galloped heavily away with a significant bleeding limp.

Ollie licked his lips and began to pant, breathing heavily as his adversary finally retreated. He sank his subtly shaking limbs into the snow. Now was not the time for fatigue! Someone needs his help still and before she bleeds out!

A minute went by and finally, a cracking croak above him signaled that Eterna had returned with aid, and ambling quickly behind her on the ground Jace, a pale raccoon, carried a kit strapped to his back.
"Good job guys, now let's get this gal some help." He took the offered kit from Jace and sidled back to the grievously injured woman.
"Okay, hang on now, I got some nice numbing salve, I'll stitch you up and get you somewhere safe." He said as he opened the kit. A nice hardened honey stick was part of the kit and he smiled and shook his head at it before putting it into his mouth. Was that Wylan? Or did Jace and Eterna have the wherewithal to add that nice little nutritious treat to help him recover from the fight?

Regardless, he began to apply the numbing solution around her wounds and trickle styptic tincture into the bleediest places to constrict the vessels and staunch the flow. He quickly sewed up the deepest slashed places, a lot of the area was too wide for stitches and would need a plaster to keep it clean and treated. He needed to take her home.

"I'm going to try carrying you home now." He told her, letting her know his actions in case she was still conscious.

He dug under the snow and slipped his agile and skinny body underneath her to get her draped over his back. Jace helped to steady her body on his back.

After one look around to make sure the coast was clear and no bear was thinking about trailing them, the little party slowly began to head to the Armada.


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1. The devil you know Submerged Woods 03:51 PM, 05-25-2024 03:01 PM, 07-18-2024