
A Couple Bodies In The Garden

Ely finding out she’s with child


"Devil has my ear today, I'll never hear a word you say."

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (275)

Master Healer (260)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - DemisexualRapid Poster - Gold1K
05-30-2024, 02:21 PM

Caedes didn't falter as Elysia detailed her symptoms, his expression remaining as impassive as ever. He moved closer, his eyes clinically examining her abdomen, noting the swelling she pointed out. He gave her a quick look, as though warning her of his incoming touch. His paws were firm but methodical as he pressed gently around her midsection, searching for any abnormalities or signs of tenderness.

“Swollen abdomen, discomfort at night, fatigue, nausea…” The dire brute repeated, his tone devoid of any emotional inflection. This was his craft, his calling. It went without question that he did his job well; perfectly. “Sensitivity to smells?” He stepped back, his eyes meeting hers with piqued interest. For once since the beginning of their interaction, Caedes’ expression was thoughtful.

“Tell me,” He began, his voice steady despite the oncoming question, “When was your last heat? Have you been with any males recently?” Personal questions, but he batted no eye at them. His mind was already considering the possibilities. The symptoms she described were classic signs of pregnancy, but he needed to rule out other potential issues. He scrutinized her face, looking for any sign of hesitation or omission.

“You may be carrying pups,” Caedes stated bluntly, watching for her reaction. He sat back, emeralds focused intently on her features. “If that is the case, your body’s changes are natural. However, we will need to confirm it to rule out other concerns.” He gestured for her to lie down, a command from her physician.


Caedes is a mature character, viewer discretion is advised.
Unless otherwise stated, assume he is not wearing his feathered skull mask.

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1. A Couple Bodies In The Garden The Polar Sound 10:13 AM, 05-30-2024 01:25 PM, 06-20-2024