
What a trip


The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (130)

Expert Navigator (140)

2 Years
05-31-2024, 02:23 PM

"Cifarelli Saxe"

Cifarelli hadn't really come here for anything in particular; but, to further expand his knowledge of Ardent itself. So to see the happiness that sprung through Iris's steps made him chuckle silently to himself. A soundless gesture that would not bring her to question him or even notice it at all. He only continued to follow behind her. Observing the way she maneuvered the cave as if she'd been here before. This area was still very foreign to him. After only being here twice, the first to gather vines for his Sidi, he made a mental note to talk to Seph about claiming land here as well.

Step after step, he matched her. Making sure to step over any fallen vines or tangled ropes that could easily sweep his paws from under him. Nose flaring to inhale the air around them. As stuffy as it was, he became grateful the moment it shifted to something he was very much familiar with. Another aroma tickled his nostrils. That of herbal plants and flora. It became clear then as to why the woman wished to investigate this cave. She was in a hunt for things to gather.

And gather she did.

The Saxe male moved closer to watch her work. Shaking his head at the way she attempted to try and speak of showing someone her newest collection. "You wish to show someone your findings, correct?" His deep, baritone voice echoed lightly off the walls. Though he was a male of death and bloodlust, this woman had not done anything to receive such a side of him. It was the reason as to why he spoke to her like a mere pup.


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1. What a trip The Deluge 10:37 PM, 05-12-2024 02:14 PM, 06-17-2024