


09-29-2013, 02:43 PM
A sultry dark demoness would stalk across the vast snow fields, following a trail of blood, and a familiar scent. She could see her favourite daemon in the distance, who had won the pack called Amenti, the one that Raven had joined but a few days ago. As she came up to the woman who wore the skull of another as a mask, she grinned deviously. "Well hello, Queen. Fancy seeing you here." She greeted the woman, using one of the sarcastic comments she constantly had at the ready. She stood beside her, obsidian bodice nearly touching the female timber wolf. "I see you have won the battle for Amenti. Congratulations." She spoke once more, voice like a purr.

She waited, she knew what Canttina was doing here, on the borders of the King Isardis' harem pack. So, she kept her mouth shut, and simply waited with her. She needed not a reply from the woman, for that could be too much to ask of the no doubt exhausted gladatrix. Her long tail snaked out from behind her and brushed against the brown daemon's flank affectionately. She meant not to tease, it was simply her nature to be touching another, to be physical. She stood, a tiny, sensual creature made of shadows, and waited at Canttina's side.
