
The truth will always come out.


09-29-2013, 02:53 PM

The Oracle hadn't been out and about very much, no. The need to stay in the pack lands would scratch away, she felt irritated and what was ticking it of she did not know . Bathing in the moonlight Renesme would sit in its mystical beam of energy with her lids shut. The only peace that the woman would receive was in the dark, alone. Winter was drawing closer, and with that the temperature wold be dropping even colder then it already is.

Remaining still she'd allow the breeze to capture her, before flowing away taking the scent of crushed rose petals with it, a scent to lead those towards the siren- it was unwanted attention. The moons silver was something that Renesme would enjoy, it was a beauty that couldn't be missed. Opening up the forest hues she's stare upon it, before twisting the cranium to the side at the sounds of another approaching from a distance away.

The woman would stay in the same, relaxed position knowing it could only be a glaciem lurking about, watching as she'd simply breathe. The silken veil would lay across the floor, curved around her body to touch the front to paws. Taking a deep breath Renesme would let out a big, exaggerated sigh before turning the cranium back to the front and staring down the relentless amounts of blackness.
