
Snow day play



The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (60)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf
06-01-2024, 01:27 PM

Oh, it had been a picture perfect hit! The snowball arced through the air straight towards the unsuspecting Kaino as she turned to acknowledge him, only to watch it impact the side of her face with an explosion of white powder. Kai gave a dramatic cry of anguish and toppled to the snow, earning her a triumphant laugh from Rogue, grinning from ear to ear and tail wagging furiously in his victory. What a shot! "Haha! Gotcha!" Rogue was already scooping up a second snowball in preparation for Kai's inevitable retaliation—but when he turned back to her, she was still lying sprawled across the snow-covered ground. Rogue held his shot, watching her for a minute and waiting for her to get up to resume their snowball fight. But when she didn't, the Klein brute's smile began to slowly droop from his face and a look of confused concern replacing his mirth.

"Kai...?" he called out to her, letting the snowball drop from his paw. Still no movement from her. Oh shit, had he actually hit her that hard? It had just been a snowball though! No cheap underhanded trickery like putting ice or rocks in the snow. Had he actually knocked her out cold with just a snowball?! "Kaino?" Again he called, and again there was no reaction from the lavender and smoke fae. Oh shit oh shit oh shit! Rogue leaped down from the wall and crunched through the snow over towards her prone form, a panic beginning to tighten in his chest. As he came upon her, Rogue noticed two things immediately—her chest was still rising and falling with her breathing, and a subtle flexing of her lithe body's muscles. He realized all too late that he had been bamboozled.

Sunset amethyst eyes went wide just as Kai sprung to life in a burst of snow, Rogue's vision obscured by lavender fur and powdery white. He felt Kaino wrap her forelegs around his neck, hanging from him while he stumbled backwards. Kai wasn't heavy by any means, and with their size difference Rogue could have easily hoisted her up to dangle her from himself, but the surprise and the slippery terrain caused the dire brute to lose his footing. Rogue slid, paws coming out from underneath him and Kai's weight helping to drag him down to the snow with her. Rogue was only able to mutter a momentary cry of surprise before the sound was cut off into muffled noises as soft warmth pressed to his lips.

The massive brute wound up on the ground on his back, Kaino partially over top of him with their muzzles connected. A low hum of delight rumbled in Rogue's chest as he kissed her back, the corners of his lips curling up into a playful grin and tail kicking up snow as it wagged, those giant paws coming up to catch Kai around her slender sides. He kissed her back for as long as she would let him, only speaking once their lips finally parted, their mingling breath hanging in humid clouds between their mouths in the arctic air. "Clever girl..." he chuckled under his breath, shooting her a wily grin with a playful gleam in his magenta eyes.

"Rogue Klein"

Venom and Maverick may enter any of Rogue's threads while he is under 2 years old.