
Eeeeels, honey



The Hallows

Master Fighter (279)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years

Samhain 2022
06-01-2024, 02:56 PM

It was so hard. So very, very difficult for Dusk to break out of the thought process that she'd hammered into her brain since she was a small child. Dusk was a warrior first and everything else second. She hadn't even taken time to learn how to be a girl. That was why she had asked her mom and her sister for advice. Little good it did her. She'd listened to everything that they'd said and she still felt as though her heart would beat its way right through her rib cage when she was this close to Sitri.

After she worked up the courage to give the man the compliment that she'd been trying to hard to tell him, he was silent. Dusk began to get nervous. Had she said something wrong? Did he not appreciate her appreciation? A million negative things ran through her head, but suddenly his paw was on her cheek and, as her fiery gaze swung to meet lavender and blue... his lips touched hers. HIS LIPS TOUCHED HERS!

A small squeak eked its way up Dusks throat and her eyes widened for a moment. Oh my god oh my god oh my god this was happening. It was happening right now. His lips pressed into hers and they felt so soft, so nice. She liked it. She liked it quite a bit. Ah, but then the kiss was ending. It was ending too soon for Dusk's liking but she wasn't in any sort of mental shape to ask for another.

Sitri smiled down at her, reciprocating her feelings towards him and Dusk smiled in return. She breathed an internal sigh of relief and something within her, something that had been clinging to her back, drifted away with the ocean wind. The knowledge that he felt the same erased a great deal of the self doubt that the young woman held. The tension in her shoulders lessened and she lowered her head for a moment before sliding her muzzle beneath Sitri's. A little shift had her sitting close to him, leaning into his side as they looked out over the water together. "I'm glad," she spoke softly, her head on his shoulder. Just like that, that one little leap. She trusted him to help her figure all of this out. Together, they would figure it out.

"Dusk & Sitri"
[Image: WlfCSL1.png]

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1. Eeeeels, honey Amron's Castle 11:26 PM, 04-08-2024 04:53 PM, 07-18-2024